School Hours
All students enter through the front of the building on Batchelder Street. Students who are late must report to room 114.
Free Breakfast: Monday through Friday 7:15a.m. – 7:40 a.m.
School Day: Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. - 2:05 p.m.
Millennium Afterschool: Monday through Friday 2:05 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Once a student enters the school building they may not leave on their own until 2:05pm. If your child needs to be picked up, only those indicated on the blue Emergency Contact Card can do so. ID is required.
General Supplies
Although some teachers may require specific supplies from their students, in general our students are required to be prepared to learn with grade-specific notebooks/binders, pens, pencils, and folders in their book bags.
6th grade students are eligible for yellow bus service if you live with in District 22.
7th and 8th grade students are eligible for Metro Cards; fare is based on distance from the school.
6th grade students are dismissed at the front of the building on Batchelder Street at 2:05pm.
7th Grade students will be dismissed on Avenue X at 2:05pm.
8th grade are dismissed from the school yard at 2:05 pm.
Parent Coordinator
Our parent coordinator, Tina Maffeo is here to answer any questions that you may have and to provide guidance and assistance in regard to our school’s policies and regulations, programs, academic requirements, etc. Her office is located on the third-floor room 304. Tina Maffeo: mobile 917- 435-5791, be sure to add your email address to her distribution list on Remind.
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
Dress Code
Students are required to dress for success in neat, appropriate “School Business “clothing. Students must wear appropriate blouses or tops, pants, skirts (to the knee). No spaghetti strap or thin strapped tank tops. Graphic tees, miniskirts, shorts more than 1 inch above the knee are not permitted. Footwear can be shoes or sneakers. No hats, hoods, du-rags, beads, bandanas are to be worn on school property. If your child comes to school with any of these items a family member will be notified to bring up appropriate attire.
Blue Emergency Contact Card
Upon entry to the school, a blue Emergency Contact Card is distributed to all students. It is of utmost importance that precise and current information be entered on the student Emergency Contact Card. The card must be filled out and returned to the school as soon as possible. You must make certain that the card is always up to date with any changes of address and phone numbers. If your child is involved in an accident, we must be able to reach you immediately.
Student ID Cards
All incoming students will be given a school ID with their picture on it. He/she will use it to enter the school building. School ID’s will also be used for breakfast and lunch. All students must have their ID every day. If your child loses an ID they will be given a replacement free of charge. The third time lost there will be a charge of $5.00. All ID’s are used from the 6th-8th grade. To obtain a school id, students must receive a pass from their teacher to visit Ms. Maffeo in room 304.
Parent Orientation/ Getting to Know the Teachers
Parent-Teacher meetings are held four times a year:
Meet the Teacher- September 20, 2018 from 4:30- 8:00 pm
1st Parent–Teacher Conference - November 27, 2018 from 12:05 p.m.-2:05 p.m. and the evening session will be from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
2nd Parent-Teacher conference will be on March 26, 2019 from 12:05 p.m. – 2:05 p.m. and the evening session will be from 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Final Meeting May 16, 2019 from 2018 4:30- 8:00 pm
At other times throughout the school year, parents are invited to request conferences with teachers any Tuesday from 2:05-3:20 by either writing the teacher a note or through our parent coordinator, Ms. Maffeo 718 743-0220 or 917 435 5791.
Administrative Contact Information
Main office: 718-743- 0220 x 1084 & 1081 *Messages can be left for teachers with the school secretaries.
Parent Coordinator at 718-743-0220 Extension 3041
Advisors: Ms. Foley and Ms. Polisano – Extension 2283
Guidance Counselors: Mr. Hanna -6th & 7th grade Extension 1051
Ms. Serio -7th & 8th Grade Guidance Counselor Extension 3220
6th grade Administrator -Mr. Wasserman Extension 1021
Assistant Principal 7th grade- Ms. Turchiano Extension 2050
Assistant Principal 8th grade -Ms. DeVito Extension 3130
Electronic devices
1. Cell phones and portable music and entertainment systems may not be turned on or used during the school day on school premises. School premises includes indoor areas (classrooms, hallways, stairways, gymnasium, bathrooms, cafeteria and auditorium), and outdoor areas, (school yard, courtyard, school steps and entryways).
2. Computing devices may not be turned on or used during the administration of any school quiz, test or examination, except where such use has been explicitly authorized by the school or is contained in an Individualized Education Program or Section 504 Accommodation Plan.
3. Cell phones, computing devices and portable music and entertainment systems may not be turned on or used during school fire drills or other emergency preparedness exercises.
Students who use cell phones, computing devices and/or portable music and entertainment systems in violation of the DOE’s Discipline Code, the school’s policy, Chancellor’s Regulation A-413, and/or the DOE’s Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (“IAUSP”) will be subject to discipline in accordance with the guidance interventions and disciplinary responses set forth in the Discipline Code.
General School Reminders
If students are given school material it is his/her responsibility to cover it and take care of it. Students must pay for lost, damaged or destroyed books.
Students are expected to act appropriately and responsibly throughout the school day. We ask students to speak with respect to peers and adults, keep their hands to themselves, and refrain from playing with non-learning items while in the building such as toys and sports equipment.
Students are only permitted to eat and drink in the school cafeteria
Students are expected to be on time for class and adhere to their assigned schedule
Students are only permitted in the hall with a pass from their teacher or school staff member.
Students are to leave all outerwear in their community learning room throughout the school day.
Students seeking the care of the nurse must have a pass from his/her teacher.
Get up-to-date school information to your phone by signing up for Remind
For 6th grade notifications text shellbank6 to 81010
For 7th grade notifications text shellbank7 to 81010
For 8th grade notifications text shellbank8 to 81010